International Scholar Journal of Arts and Social Science Research (ISJASSR) invites you to submit well researched papers which explore current global issues, strategies for checkmating threats to global peace, climate change; and inter-state relations in Africa as it relates to common borders and fight against terrorism.
Published since 2017, International Scholar Journal of Arts and Social Science Research (ISJASSR) promotes scholarship in the humanities while advancing the frontiers of knowledge. The journal is an international open access journal indexed in Google Scholar, ICI World of Journals,, ERIC and other scientific databases. With its high online visibility, ISJASSR published articles have high citation rates.
Authors Guidelines
- Articles should be prepared in two columns excluding the abstract page, MS Word File using Times New Roman 12 points.
- Authors should indicate if they are submitting original research, review articles, case study or perspective piece
- Author (s)' details must be on a separate document file containing the title of the article, full name (s), status, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, phone number and full postal address. The author should not be identified anywhere else in the article.
- Abstracts more than 200 words cannot be uploaded during the submission stage. The abstract should be on its separate page which should form the first page of the anonymized MS Word file.
- Figures, charts and diagrams should be numbered consecutively with roman numerals and a brief title
- The journal accepts both the APA and MLA Citation Styles. However, author (s) must be consistent with any of the two chosen
- Final submission of article. Once accepted for publication the final version of the manuscript must be provided within 7 days. The author (s) must ensure the final submission is complete, grammatically correct and without spelling or typographical errors.
Method of Submission
All submissions are to be made online on the journal’s website:
For technical support contact the Journal Admin:
Journal Editors
Dr. Kangalawe Hezron, University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Dr. Lina Lafta Jassim, College of Arts,Thi-Qar University, Iraq